The official colors of CSN Coyotes are blue and white. The Pantone® and CMYK color codes of the blue are 280 C and (100, 72, 0, 18), respectively. By the way, in addition to the blue, College of Southern Nevada also has yellow (Pantone® 116 C) as one of its primary colors.

CSN Coyotes brand hex, RGB, CMYK and Pantone® (PMS) color codes

CSN Coyotes's Blue color solid image preview download
CSN Coyotes's Blue color
Hex code #00267F content_copy
RGB values (0, 38, 127) content_copy
CMYK values (100, 72, 0, 18) content_copy
Pantone® 280 C content_copy
CSN Coyotes's White color solid image preview download
CSN Coyotes's White color
Hex code #FFFFFF content_copy
RGB values (255, 255, 255) content_copy
CMYK values (0, 0, 0, 0) content_copy
Pantone® N.A. content_copy

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