Santa Clara brand hex, RGB, CMYK and Pantone® (PMS) color codes

Santa Clara's Red color solid image preview download
Santa Clara's Red color
Hex code #D63935 content_copy
RGB values (214, 57, 53) content_copy
CMYK values (0, 73, 75, 16)* content_copy
Pantone® 179 C* content_copy
Santa Clara's Yellow color solid image preview download
Santa Clara's Yellow color
Hex code #FBC11C content_copy
RGB values (251, 193, 28) content_copy
CMYK values (0, 23, 89, 2)* content_copy
Pantone® 1235 C* content_copy
Santa Clara's Green color solid image preview download
Santa Clara's Green color
Hex code #13946A content_copy
RGB values (19, 148, 106) content_copy
CMYK values (87, 0, 28, 42)* content_copy
Pantone® 7724 C* content_copy
Santa Clara's White color solid image preview download
Santa Clara's White color
Hex code #FFFFFF content_copy
RGB values (255, 255, 255) content_copy
CMYK values (0, 0, 0, 0)* content_copy
Pantone® 7436 C* content_copy
Santa Clara's Blue color solid image preview download
Santa Clara's Blue color
Hex code #305898 content_copy
RGB values (48, 88, 152) content_copy
CMYK values (68, 42, 0, 40)* content_copy
Pantone® 7685 C* content_copy
Santa Clara's Grey color solid image preview download
Santa Clara's Grey color
Hex code #000000 content_copy
RGB values (0, 0, 0) content_copy
CMYK values (0, 0, 0, 100)* content_copy
Pantone® Black 6 C* content_copy

* These color values have not been given explicitly in the Santa Clara brand guidelines. They are, however, the closest numbers based on the official color codes provided.

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